Monday 28 March 2011

Sophie Munden - Question Five

How did you attract/address your audience?

In order to attract our audience we looked back at our research and chose to adapt our storyboard by using popular and modern interests and issues.

From our audience research we found that the majority of people we asked spent their free time using different aspects of the media, this led us to the idea that one of our main characters would be a Hip-Hop/R'n'B artist as we hoped to attract the audience through their interests and hobbies.

In addition to this, the idea of celebrity-stalking is an issue in the world today and therefore we incorporated this theme in our product, by having our main character as an 'obsessed fan' of the artist. The audience can relate to this.
While doing research for our product
, i came across articles in the news that highlight the issues of celebrity-stalking in modern society.

"It is becoming obvious that celebrity-stalking is an unwelcome modern phenomenon, with victims in the public eye ranging from Gwyneth Paltrow to Tony Blair's former spin doctor Alastair Campbell."

Our findings also showed us that the villain was the preferred character type. Because of this we chose to attract our audience by focusing the camera work and sound on the 'obsessed fan' (our villain), trying to create the storyline from her point of view. We did this using close-ups on her face and hands to show her emotions and actions. The voice over adds to this as well, explaining that she is his "number one fan".

This is a popular technique used in psychological thillers, for example the film, Taxi Driver, one of our inspirations while making the opening to our film.

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