Monday 28 March 2011

Sophie Munden - Question Seven

Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

For our preliminary task we had to use the cameras to film a person entering and existing a door and a conversation, using shot reverse shot. We then had to edit our work so if ran smoothly.
You can see that we managed to edit our product smoothly and we carried on to use these skills in our final product.
However, since the preliminary task, we have learnt how to compensate with lighting and use more effective camera angles. In our first attempt of filming we used little variety of camera angles and it only constituted of mid-shots. We progressed in the making of our opening credit sequence by experimenting with extreme close-ups as well as mid-shots. We also used high and low angle shots to represent character types and their power roles in our product. Furthermore, we learnt not to shoot the scene facing the light source (in our case the daylight) as it created unwanted silhouettes and shadows in our preliminary task.

Before filming the preliminary task, we learnt about the 180 degree rule. This is when you keep the camera on one side of the person or object you are filming so not to disorientate or confuse the audience. We used this skill in our preliminary task and our final product.

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