Monday 28 March 2011

Sophie Munden - Question Three

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Although our product addresses mainstream themes, such as music, artists and their fans, the production values of it show that a more independent institution would distribute it.
Mainstream films are more dependent on big turnovers and dramatic storylines, sound effects, camera work and other special effects. Because of this the costs are high due to showings in cinemas, advertising and generally creating the product.
Our product does not do this as it has a much slower build up in all aspects of the film. There are no special effects and it shows a much more challenging storyline as it continues to cut between scenes of the obsessed fan writing a letter and the artist waving to his fans. A distributer like PolyGram would be fitting to our product as has distributed psychological thillers such as Usual Suspects.
The advertising of our product would be minimal, mainly relying on film reviews in magazines such as Vertigo and Little White Lies, film festivals and world of mouth.

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