Monday 28 March 2011

Sophie Munden - Question Two

How does your media product represent different social groups?

In our media product, we present three main social groups, the star, the stalker, and the fans.

In the first picture is the Hip-Hop star, Craze. Using sartorial codes we have shown that he is weathly. He has a clean, neat hair cut, jewlery on his wrists and around his neck. As well as this, he is wearing a white t-shirt which not only makes him look healthy implying his sucess but it simbolises his innocense and implies he is the victim the film. We shot this scene from below (low angle shot) in order to indicate his importance in the story line and his power as he is the 'star'.

Here we have a screen shot of the stalker. In the general media stalkers are represented as unhealthy, both in their appearence and emotional state. We have shown this through her clothes. She is dressed in a faded baggy dress and a faded grey hoody, her hair has not been brushed and she has no make-up on. This all adds up to give a feeling of uncaring. The way in which she is staring at the camera creates a sense of amazement as if she is mesmorized by what she is looking at.

This is a shot from the scene showing the fans of the star Craze dancing. Fans today are poceived as a large group of people who all share the same interest. By having the people in the crowd close together it gives it creates ideas that they are one person rather than seperate characters. Furthermore, we chose to place the guy in the blue jacket in the center as his clothing is a similar style to the artist himself.

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