Monday 28 March 2011

Sophie Munden - Question Four

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Our media product is aimed at quite a wide variety of teenagers and young adults around the ages of 15 – 25. We chose not to appeal to a specific gender as we wanted a wide audience and our audience research applied equally to both sexes. Therefore, we gave our film a certification of a 15.

Because of this decision we distributed our questionnaires to people between these ages in order to find out their interests and habits to help with constructing our ideas and our final storyboard. We found that the majority of our target audience like listening to Hip-Hop and R’n’B music and therefore spent a vast amount of time enjoying it. We used this in our storyboard by having an Hip-Hop artist as a main character.

As the themes in our product our quite mainstream (music of popular genre, fans etc..) this would attract a mainstream audience, however the camera work and editing of our product, for example the cutting from the girl writing a letter to the star waving to his fans, implies a more indendent product therefore appealing to an indendent audience as well.

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